The Downwards Procrastination Spiral And How To Permanently Break Free


Your failures aren’t because you’re weaker or less smart than others. You’re just the victim of a very normal pattern known as “The Procrastination Cycle.” And there’s a weird trick to end it for good.

It goes without saying, we all mess up big time.

We’re all trying to succeed, but few of us truly understand why we keep failing.

Here, try this trick out:

Think of something you’ve wanted to accomplish but haven’t yet.

Something meaningful to you.

Maybe you haven’t gotten around to it, are too timid to go for it, or took a shot and failed big time.

Hold that epic failure in your mind… maybe you’re even in the middle of it now.(In that case, read to the end… you’ll see why)

When you think about your struggle, you probably think you’re a special kind of screw up — that you’re uniquely weak or flawed… that others can do it and you’re just a lost cause.

Good news: you’re wrong!

The reason is actually really simple. And really easy to overcome once it “clicks.”

Once you discover it, you might feel a surge of regret over not learning it sooner and letting all your dreams pass you by for so long…

You’re about to discover why you’re the victim of a very common, very sneaky response called The Procrastination Cycle…

And how to avoid it forever

So when you…

Get pumped up for a goal only to lose all courage when it’s “go time”

❌ Know you have the ability and potential but just can’t get yourself to do it

❌ Feel jealous when less talented people achieve things you dream about

Then you’re 100% falling victim to this cycle.

But more importantly… 

If you’re serious about freeing yourself from this horrible cycle…

And conquering your most precious goals…


Then pay close attention to this next part…

Because I’m going to share an idea that literally unlocks your potential and shatters the excuse making mechanism in your mind.

And it’s especially effective for people who’ve been taught to play small their whole life.

Since right now there’s a greater need than ever for you to conquer your goals.

So if you’ve read all the motivational books

You’ve binge watched YouTube videos of overcoming your unworthiness…

You’ve scrolled through hundreds of feel-good motivational memes on Instagram…

And you’re still kicking yourself for all the missed opportunities and failed goals…

This is the hamster wheel I’m going to Help you escape from…

Here’s what you’ve been looking for — The Procrastination Cycle, a mechanism that’s been secretly running your life and tricking you into feeling bad about yourself.

Your life goes something like this…


1. You set a Goal

You get inspired, fed up or are finally ready to do “the thing.” You feel a rush of happy brain chemicals and the world is your oyster — nothing can get in your way.

2. Unhelpful Rules and Assumptions kick in

This is where the wind is ripped from your sails. 

You have beliefs that cause you to freeze, hesitate or feel undeserving.

These beliefs show up as rules and assumptions about you and your life.

Things like…

“I can’t be seen as a failure so it’s best if I don’t try”

“The outcome is too uncertain so I just won’t do anything”

“If I screw it up, others will judge me and I’ll feel humiliated”

and a thousand other assumptions we have about ourselves that keep us small.

And once these kick in…

3. Discomfort sets in


Let’s remember where you’re at. You’ve got this beautiful goal in mind… but now there’s this limiting belief is keeping you afraid and making you believe it’s too hard to achieve your goals.

This causes you unbelievable discomfort — both mental and emotional.

In fact, when you sit with it, it’s actually physically uncomfortable to want to chase a goal while you won’t take action.

But this leads to the next very well known stage of the cycle…

4. You start making Excuses


We’ve now got to convince ourselves of why we can’t achieve that goal. 

We have to come up with a “logical” reason why we can’t take action.

And the excuses are usually horribly weak.

Things like…

“Oh, well it’s just not a good time – I’m so busy and all”

“Well I probably wouldn’t be successful anyways so…”

“I’ll just be made fun of and attacked… I can’t take the stress”

But you KNOW that you’re strong and talented enough.

You know that these excuses are flimsy at best.

And so, to distract yourself, you turn to…

5. Procrastination activities


This is where you turn to mindlessly scrolling through Instagram

Binging Netflix and YouTube videos.

Finding someone to argue politics with.

Complaining, drinking, playing on your phone for hours and hours…

How to eliminate The Procrastination Cycle and take massive action…

If you’re fed up with this self-destructive pattern…

Fed up with feeling like something’s wrong with you

Then listen close to this:

Everything makes sense once you dissolve the beliefs that are behind your inaction and unworthiness.

And it actually happens fast once you can see the Procrastination Cycle play out in your own life…

You struggle with beliefs like:

I can’t deal with failing

This is beyond my abilities and skills

It’s too difficult to make a decision

And these rules or assumptions are different for each person, making your way of procrastinating and distracting yourself unique.

When you discover your procrastination type, there are easy approaches that unlock your energy to conquer your goals.

When you learn that, the floodgates of motivation blow wide open…

How Does It Work?

Using a method called Virtue Map, you get to discover your core blocks to taking action…

Exactly what sits at the heart of your bad habits.

Many people often think it’s their “ADD” or that they’re just unmotivated, but as we went over, what rests just beneath all that is actually insecurities and feelings of inadequacy.

It’s amazing what we can hide from ourselves! And the damage it causes us.

This leads to missed opportunities and failing to conquer your goals!

Learning what sits at the bottom of our biggest issues is the first step.

From there, your personalized plan gives you:

✔️ Exercises and practices of self-understanding that gently shift your model of thinking and doing

✔️ Methods to re-frame your fears and insecurities, allowing you to breeze through your goals

✔️ Daily accountability, trackers and worksheets to keep you on track

To really put this in perspective, this is a brand new approach to a widespread and devastating problem. 

And it can work for anyone, not just the “gifted” few who seem to be “destined for greatness.”

With Virtue Map you start you at your own level and pace.

You’re able to accomplish small wins, growing easily and comfortably…

Until you begin to embody your true potential.

Take a quick 3-minute quiz and discover which procrastination type you are to break through your self-imposed limits

Results may vary due to personal features


With thousands of 5-star reviews, it seems anyone can get results…

What Makes Virtue Map So Effective?
(How it “clicks” when everything else missed the mark)

Whether it’s our Zodiac, Myers-Brigg or Enneagram(no clue!) — each of us is so unique.

Meaning we respond to a different approach than someone else.

Our beliefs and habits have to be approached on our own terms.

Virtue Map’s program is based on an model that includes positive psychology to empower you in both minor and major life decisions.

And here’s the most important part… 

It’s all done from a healthy and holistic perspective.

Your past, unique feelings, family status and goals are all taken into account.

You’re given a practical, no-nonsense, simple and instant approach to your greatest barriers.

Imagine finally breaking free from a lifetime of limitation and self-doubt.

Waking up with vibrant energy and boundless determination to own your power.

Every day.

And looking forward to each week, month and year…

Knowing you can trust yourself to reach your potential, and break out of the small box you’ve put yourself into.

It’s all waiting there for you — and all you need is to allow it…

Ready To Break Through Your Own Self-Imposed Limits?

If you’re fed up with all the excuses, feeling disappointed in yourself and hating the same old one-size-fits-all personal growth advice, listen up:

You can discover your exact procrastinator type and the simple key actions that dissolve self-imposed blocks.

You don’t have to miss any more opportunities. Your goals can turn to accomplishments.

Procrastination is only going to keep feeding your regrets.

Answer a quick quiz and discover which
anti-procrastination approach suits you best
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